Viewing W2 in ESS

Viewing W2 in ESS

You can only view your W2 in ESS if you elected to view your W2 in ESS and if you are a current employee of the state.  Each year (around September) we open the option for you to view your W2 in ESS, you have a time frame in which this has to be selected (usually September- December) otherwise your W2 is sent to you in the mail (please make sure you are keeping your mailing address updated with the ERIC - ) 

If you elected to view your W2 in ESS this is how you can locate it:

Click on "payments"

Click on "W-2 Forms"

Click the arrow next to "search results for online forms W-2/W-2c"

Your available W2's will be displayed in the drop down menu.

Highlight the W2 you would like to see and click "display"

From there you can print or save your W2.

If you believe you elected to view your W2 online but are having trouble locating it please open a ticket and we will be happy to assist you.

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